Download the ASECAP Code of Conduct

The European Road network represents the backbone of efficient movement of goods and people around Europe. It is built, operated, maintained, and repaired with a long-term vision that ensures that the highest quality standards are reached. ASECAP – Association Européenne des Concessionnaires d’Autoroutes et d’ouvrages à Péage – is the European Association of Operators of Toll Road Infrastructures. The ASECAP network comprises more than 81,000 km of toll motorways, bridges and tunnels across 18 member countries (Austria, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Morocco, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey) and managed by 124 companies. Furthermore, ASECAP has 2 Industry Group Partners, KAPSCH and KONTRON.

ASECAP’s purpose is to defend and develop the system of motorways and road infrastructures in Europe applying tolls – the user/pay model principle - as a powerful tool to ensure the financing of their construction, maintenance and operation.

Moreover, ASECAP exchanges among its members experience, technical expertise, best practices and information regarding the construction, financing, maintenance, operation and improvement of toll infrastructures, and promotes and organises annual conferences and webinars for its members on technical, administrative and financial issues aimed at the deployment of efficient traffic management, providing to the end users a high-quality road service at an appropriate cost. For that purpose, it also collects technical and statistical data and participates in select projects.

In addition, ASECAP maintains permanent relations with relevant international organisations, the EU institutions and the industry’s main stakeholders, protecting the interests of ASECAP members regarding the deployment of a holistic cooperative transport approach at the service of all citizens.

Furthermore, the toll road operators represented in ASECAP bring into the spotlight their crucial role in the development of a sustainable, safe and smart transport system in Europe. They want to highlight their engagement and commitment to improving the transport sector by making it more efficient, socially equitable and more sustainable from different standpoints: safety, environment, mobility and finance.

In their search to improve the environmental-friendly aspect of their activities and bearing in mind that they represent a driving force for the economic development of our continent, toll road operators seek to fulfil their responsibilities through a collective effort to foster sustainable development. In particular, they are willing to make their core business, the “toll”, become the key instrument to achieve this fundamental objective.

The requirement for toll road operators to answer the climate change challenges is of paramount importance and will remain the key priority for the future. ASECAP members are shouldering their responsibility as nationwide land developers, playing a major role in the social and economic development of the regions they serve and connect, and stepping up their efforts to develop safe and sustainable transport solutions towards low-carbon/carbon-free motorway.